Thursday, May 6, 2010

feels like summer

I am so awkward in front of cameras. I feel really self conscious asking people to take pictures for me. I can't wait to get the tripod from my parents' house.

I had the day off from work, so I grabbed lunch with my friend Rose and we went thrifting. I had a pretty exciting haul (as well as a story about the romper from hell). I just wanted to be cool and comfortable. And I was, but unfortunately I don't look very comfortable in the picture.

May 6, 2010

Top: Macy's
Shorts: Walmart
Heels: Walmart
Necklace: made by a friend
Sunnies: sale on campus
Bag: Harajuku Lovers

Scent: American Eagle 77

These shorts are incredibly comfortable. I bought them last summer to wear to the Disney parks when I wasn't the Disney parks.

Tomorrow- depending on how much I get done on my sewing list- I might wear a purple plaid skirt. It all depends on how fast I sew...
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