Monday, May 3, 2010

Clothes for Tomorrow

I haven't purposefully laid out my outfit the night before since I was in fourth grade and my mother would nag at me to do it. Thank God for high school when I got to wear a uniform!

In any case, our apartment is rather small and there isn't much space for me to lay out an outfit. Luckily, I found the perfect spot.

I got an adjustable dressform for my college graduation in December, and I don't know how I lived without it. Sewing is so much easier without trying to pin darts on your own back. Her name is Giselle, and she's one of the most amazing things ever.

In any case, there's my outfit for tomorrow. If it's good enough, I might even post it on Wardrobe Remix.

Or I might chicken out.

Also, that's totally Whose Line Is It Anyway? on the television in the background. It's still one of my favorite shows...but I can't watch it with my best friend anymore. She's seen all the episodes and can (and will) quote along.
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